La Familia Bell

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Halloween Party - Revisited

Near the end of October, Lisa had a Halloween party. Unfortunately Millie was away working, but Brian and AJ went for some food and fun. AJ spent most of the night eating carrots, crackers and cheese and pushing a black plastic caludron (which was intended for punch - sorry Lisa!) around the apartment. Finally around 11pm, he started to fade and eventually fell asleep on Daddy. While he was out cold, we took this opportunity to take a couple of pictures. Here's one of those pictures he's going to hate when he's older! (thanks to Kristen for the picture)...

* No children were harmed making this photo, nor was any alcohol actually consumed by AJ. :o)


V said...

See what happens when you let AJ hang around Lisa and me. He winds up passed out on the sofa. He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL family!!!!!!! Time flies!